Have a copy of First Course or Considering Us that you want to donate to a Little Free Library? Please send me a note using the form to the left so we can work together!
1. Why do you think Devon agreed to take the Rockwood job even after seeing Kyle there? Do you think part of her wanted to finally confront him?
2. What do you think Marnie's fascination with food in boxes is about?
3. What were your first impressions of Kyle? Did your feelings about him change at all over the course of the book?
4. What about Adrienne surprised you?
5. What are thoughts about Andrea? Was she in over her head in this role at Rockwood?
6. Was Heath a distraction, or was Devon actually into him? What did you think about their relationship?
7. What were your impressions of Ward Connelly? Why do you think his art installation was so poorly received?
8. Have you ever known anyone like Ashlyn Lark?
9. Who was your favorite character in the book? Why?
10. Do you have a friend like Tam? Have you seen any of the movies she referenced?
11. What are your thoughts on the evolution of David Anders?
12. Have you enjoyed any of the food described in the book? What might you want to try?
13. What was your favorite part of the story?
14. Have you ever spent time at a boarding school? Do you think you would want to work at one?